Garrett Fraser
B.A. Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer
Garrett Fraser was born and raised in a large mixed farming family near Cochrane, AB. With the extensive experience of growing up in agriculture and taking part in many youth ag programs, he brings a vast knowledge of the practicality that farmers want when it comes to technology adoption on their operations. After attaining a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Minor in Marketing from La Roche University in Pittsburgh, PA, while playing NCAA lacrosse and golf, Garrett returned to the family farming operation. After spending 7 years learning the intricacies on the business side of farming, he returned to school in 2020 obtaining an Honors designation in the Techgronomy Diploma program from Olds College of Agriculture & Technology in Olds, AB. This led to a further growth of knowledge and expertise around the world of digital agriculture and technology applications at the farm level.