We are dedicated to providing farmers with
competitive solutions
for their crop nutrition through our partnership with
To stay up to date on pricing and new product offerings email tyler.lefley@dhagventures.com to receive login info
Innovating technology and the business model

The Dark Horse Summary
The 5th R often missed when talking about 4R nutrient management is the RIGHT BALANCE. The selling point has to connect to what farmers can control and that is rebuilding soil levels of phosphorus and potassium that have been mined across Western Canada. We have not come across a field in 2023 that has reduced their phosphorus levels by less than 30% over the past 3 years using Paradigm, our precision fertilizer audit. Replenish fertilizers provide the opportunity to build soil levels of those nutrients without having to worry about salt content impacting plant performance at a competitive price point. By using our technology to apply fertilizer in the right location and the right rate we are also making it easier for farmers to logistically and agronomically focus on nitrogen nutrition for minimal losses.
Where to buy
Inquire directly through Dark Horse or purchase through our online marketplace partner